Ready, set, jet!
Walt’s Escape from America!
by Walt F.J. Goodridge, the “Passion Prophet,” author of Turn Your Passion Into Profit and originator of the PassionProfit™ Philosophy & Formula. © All rights reserved by a company called W
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The Passion Prophet's OTHER Passion!
April 25, 2006
Since the last entry, things have been going great! Now, someone asked me recently about my social life here on the island, and I would be remiss if I didn't share at least SOME of the goings on. I've been to clubs, festivals, parties, weddings and all sorts of gatherings and have been meeting some very nice women. Of course, to preserve their privacy, I won't show any pictures here. But, rest assured, there's a whole 'nother blog devoted to my adventures on the social scene....with pictures and everything! But, unless you're in my "close friends" loop, you probably won't get to see THAT Saipan adventure.
Oh, ok...maybe I'll show just ONE picture....
And I'll add that I just moved into my new apartment here on the island!
Won't say exactly where it is since I wouldn't want anyone showing up with binoculars to get more details on my social life!