My name is Walt F.J. Goodridge,
the Passion Prophet! Turn Your Passion into Profit™ is a
proven philosophy, formula and strategy
that I used to transform from frustrated employee to free passionpreneur,
and it can help YOU do the same (or simply earn some extra income)...IF you can answer YES to just
one of these questions:
Are you...
• a home maker or retiree in need of extra money?
• a frustrated employee desperate to change careers?
• a talented, creative person with a gift to offer the world?
• a nomad wishing to make money while seeing the world?
• a college student deciding on a career?
• an entrepreneur seeking additional streams of income?
• soon-to-be retired and looking to do what you REALLY enjoy? or...
Do you ever find yourself thinking...
"I hate this job."
"I hate these people I work with!"
"I hate working for someone else."
"I wish I could be someplace else doing what I really want to do."
"I've got so much more potential that I'm just not using here.." ?
If that all sounds familiar, and if you're as frustrated with working for someone else
as I was, think about the following....
Have you ever wondered?
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like now if your parents and teachers had encouraged you to follow your gift for sports, or your penchant for art, or your love of animals rather than push you to be an accountant or an engineer or a lawyer? It's an interesting thought to ponder.
However, it really doesn't matter. There's no such thing as a wrong decision. There are no mistakes. There are simply choices that offer opportunities to grow and learn from those choices. Every single decision you've made, or that was made for you, has contributed to you being here at this very moment reading this website, ready to make a change. Everything you've learned along the way--even the unhappiness and frustration--will help you to discover your passion and turn it into profit. In fact, by the time you've completed this book, you may want to thank your parents and teachers for giving you the opportunity to discover who you want to be by having successfully shown you who you are NOT. Sometimes your greatest growth comes after experiencing a situation that simply confirms for you the reality that you don't want.
So don't beat yourself up over the choices and decisions you've made. As a wise man once said, "pity not the man or woman for the challenges they face, but for the lessons not learned in their responses." In other words, the tragedy is not that in the past you were steered in a direction that was not towards your passion. The tragedy will be if you allow yourself to keep going in that direction once you recognize your passion and the power you have in the present to pursue it... [excerpt from Turn Your Passion Into Profit]
The formula is simple!
Take a passion--something you love to do, something you're good at, something you already have a certain amount of expertise in, something that interests you-- then find the hidden value it has for the public, and then use it as the basis of a way to make money. It's a simple strategy that could be your "Plan A" for your passion-centered lifestyle, or "plan B" during an economic downturn! Find your purpose. Discover your passion. Create a product. Market it for profit. I call it the Cycle of Success!
wait for animated graphic to load....
That's the process I've created, developed and explain fully in Turn Your Passion into Profit, the first-of-its-kind book that spawned a host of imitators since I first published it in 1999! (updated every year since).
No matter what your passion!
What's your passion? Cooking? Music? Animals? Skiing? Singing? Not sure? Well, it doesn't matter what YOUR passion is, if you think you have too many, or even if you don't think you have one! Discovering that passion and then uncovering its hidden value is a process you can master regardless of what your specific passion is or turns out to be. You don't need to buy a book entitled "Turn Your Singing Passion into Profit." This ONE book covers ALL the possible combinations of purpose and passion and product so you can put yourself on the right path to make money doing what you love!
"FACT: You CAN make money doing what you love! Even in a down economy!....
The Number One Mistake Most People Make When Turning Their Passion(s) into Profit!
Let's say you have a passion for cooking. People have been telling you all your life that you ought to open your own restaurant! Sounds like a great idea, right? Well, it might not be! One of the valuable lessons you'll discover in the pages of Turn Your Passion into Profit is to first discover your purpose using the personality test, and then using that information to decide on the best passion for you.
I had a client who found herself in that very position. She loved cooking, and was considering starting her own restaurant based on friends' advice. However, I first had her determine she was a "guru" (you'll discover more about that personality/purpose type in the book), and then had her realize that, as a guru (someone whose life purpose is to teach others), that that purpose would be best served by harnessing her passion for cooking and, instead of starting a restaurant, she should instead consider a product or service in which she teaches others what she knows (e.g. cooking school, cookbook, video series, etc.). This is the best way to make sure your business provides you with a higher level of personal fulfillment! You'll learn how to use your passion to help fulfill your purpose, so you don't make this number one mistake that most people make: neglecting to incorporate their purpose into the process.
Yes, it's true! I did it!
First of all, I'm a real, living person just like you! I hated working for someone else. I wanted desperately to be free, and I believed I could make it happen! Probably the only difference is that I've since made all the specific, gory and intimate details of my life public so others can benefit by hopefully seeing what's possible. Here's how I tell my story:
"Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York who hated his job, followed his passion, started a sideline business publishing his own books, made enough money to quit his job, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day....and live a nomadpreneur's dream life."
All those details are
here for anyone
who wishes to investigate, validate, vet and confirm that :
• Yes, I did, in fact, attend and graduate from Columbia University
with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering;
• Yes I did, in fact, work for 7 years at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey on the 73rd floor of the World
Trade Center;
• Yes, I did place ads in Rappages and The Source magazines in the 90s
to sell thousands of copies of my first book to other hip hop entrepreneurs;
• Yes, I did, in fact, walk away from my soul-draining, life-sapping, energy-depleting, freedom-robbing job to be a full-time passionpreneur (no offense to all the happy engineers!);
• Yes I did, in fact, escape from America to live my dream nomadpreneur lifestyle on the island of Saipan where you can now
find me "giving tours to pretty girls every day" (of course, YOUR dream may differ!)
Me and the members of Chinese idol group, SNH48, on the beach on Saipan! Photo: Ferdinand Ramos
• Yes I did, in fact, do the "nomadpreneur" thing and ran off to China for six months and had the greatest time of my life!
It's all there. It's all in the public record....with photos, too! It's all researchable and there for you to confirm the reality of it! This is not conjecture. This is not speculation. This is not theory. My ability to help first myself
and now others turn their passion into profit is a matter of reality. The simple point I want to make is that...
"...all of that adventure and my personal success
at creating the free life of my dreams started with making the bold decision to
turn my passion into profit."
I realized
I had to find the courage and maintain the discipline because of what
I'm about to share with you next....
"It is impossible to raise your standard of living working a job!"
The only way you will be able to satisfyingly change your present condition and move to the standard of living you're dreaming of, and make the sort of money you are ultimately capable of making is to turn your passion into profit.
You can only improve so much by working overtime, or waiting for a raise or promotion every year. And with each raise in pay, or each increase in responsibility come more demands and an overall decrease in the amount and quality of free time you have available to really enjoy your time here on the planet.
No, the only way to REALLY raise your standard of living while enjoying the life you were MEANT to live is to leverage your talents, your gifts, your interests and your hobbies to create a product or service that you can sell to increasing numbers of people and free yourself from the cycle of trading your time for money--as you might be doing now in a job.
Each one of us is given something that sets us apart from everyone else; something that we can do better than others, and that in an ideal system, we can use to not only survive but to thrive.
You owe it to your family, your parents, your children, your community, and most especially to yourself to discover that thing, share it with the world and--with apologies to no one--use it to improve your standard of living, your quality of life, and live a passion-centered lifestyle of your dreams!